Condensing my script

In creating the show, I set out to create a script for the show. When I started work on it, I decided to give all the details on the event and the stuff was extremely long.

To give you an idea, here was the original script:

Original Script

As you can see, the script is detailed but is too long for ten minutes. So, the script had to be edited even more so it had the punch to the show. If anything, the script felt very long and as if I was trying to say anything and everything leaving a lot of potential for the audience to become very disinterested in the show. I also felt that the script felt forced and as if it was trying to fit in the gimmicks of the rollercoaster when they didn’t need to do that. So, after multiple drafts, I was able to cut it down to 13 minutes which is good. To give you an idea, here is the updated script.


As you can see, whilst it still has detailed information, it still feel really condensed and punchy. Even though I would want it to be longer, I am satisfied with the way it has been progressed and I hope that the possibly of adapting the script further is a possibility.